Hi there people, this is a blog to let you in on my slightly tilted magical world. I come from the heart of it all. and I am a universal translator. Infact I talk to everything ,the deva of my car and computer, the ent in my yard ,water before I drink it, puppys..(ha my […]
Here is a little story … This happened about a week ago. My husband and I live in a small town in Mexico. So sometimes its not easy to find certain things or fix them if they get broke. In this case I am talking about an elliptical trainer I broke. Well ,we took it to […]
Onward… So I am realizing I have this groove happening with flowers, when a few days ago I was cruising thru the cobble stoned streets of my misty little mexican town and I get hit by some bad ju ju or a whiff of mold er something. I start having a full on allergy attack. Ok […]
I heard about the bees not going back to their hives and that some folks associate this with cell phones ,in fact I read that on the east cost its 70% loss of bees. I got nuts when I read this. I decided to move far out in the remote forest areas…with no electricity. Its […]
Rue Flower essence first communication September 2007 Tarot archetype association Ace of swords. I began communicating with the plant commonly known as rue. My first interaction was inspiring. On the green rolling hills of Xico Mexico we have planted a small herbal garden. I noticed that the Rue was doing especially well. So I decided […]